Is it possible to see when you will get married?
There are a number of indicators which can show if you will get married and how many children you'll have. Also when your potential partner may enter your life.

Is it possible to foresee a lottery win on the life line?
Yes there are a number of signs that would indicate such an event. Remember that lottery wins can also cause troubleā€¦.I have seen the hand of a lottery winner and it was fraught with difficulties where he had experienced great family trouble caused by his newfound wealth.

Is it possible to see when you'll travel?
Yes, travel has a number of indicators on the hand.

Can the lines on your hand indicate potential marital problems?
Indeed, the fate line can reveal a period when marital problems could prevail and the outcome thereof.

Is it possible to see when changes will occur in a career?
The fate line will give a clear indication of many issues relating to work. It can explain why you are not feeling enthusiastic about your job and/or when you will make the leap and change careers or employment.

Is it possible to see fame on a hand?
Yes, there are definite indications (stars on the mounts) which occur well in advance of fame.

Everyone has different concerns and a palmist will do their best to see a positive outcome and advise on how that will be best achieved. In times of distress it can be very calming to be told that there are brighter times ahead.

Palmistry is fun, and it is interesting to know when your life might take an interesting change in course.